eDiscovery Cloud Backup • 08/30/23 Proposed Privacy Laws and What This Means for Your Data The Australian Privacy Act (1988) was recently reviewed and in February a report proposing changes to reform Australian privacy law was publicly released. In 2018 the EU completed a similar reform resulting in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). eDiscovery • 05/30/23 Making Sense in the Digital World The need for Information Governance has become a really hot topic. Many of TIMG’s corporate clients are now looking at innovative ways to understand their data and risk events and are feeling open to adopt solutions from outside the box. Cloud Backup • 05/04/23 Why Strong Passwords are Important Having good strong passwords for your online accounts has never been more important. Here's what you need to do to make sure they’re doing their job. Case Studies • 04/20/23 eDiscovery Support – Government Inquiry Case Study: TIMG was engaged by Solicitors Assisting to support a large, high-profile government inquiry, by providing consulting, data hosting, and ESI processing. Case Studies • 04/19/23 eDiscovery Solutions – Class Action Case Study: A large class action involving a global automotive brand, requiring ECA, ESI processing, Nuix Discover hosting. Learn more. Case Studies • 04/06/23 International eDiscovery Matter – Patent Protection Case Study: International litigation being run out of New Zealand and the United States simultaneously, involving data processing, back up tape restoration, Nuix Discover hosting, and matter consulting services. TIMG was chosen to run this project due to our consulting experience, and reputation in the New Zealand market due to our parent company operations. Case Studies • 04/05/23 A Successful National Digitisation Project CASE STUDY eDiscovery A Successful National Digitisation Project Project Details A national scale digitisation of approximately 11,000 archive boxes of documents from multiple locations around Australia (7 States). TIMG was chosen for this project for... eDiscovery • 04/03/23 Electronically Stored Information Processing When it comes to Electronically Stored Information Processing, TIMG adheres to strict policies and methodologies when preparing data for our clients. We deploy the same continuous process driven workflows, regardless of the size of each tranche. This ensures that the processes are completed correctly, and that all material is accounted for in a defensible way. This process follows the highest standards as well as full respect for the industry guidelines. Posts navigation 1 2 … 4 >