HopgoodGanim Lawyers leverage the benefits of a genuine Information Management partnership.
Every successful organisation keeps a close eye on day-to-day business while implementing a long-term plan to which resources and strategies are aligned. It’s only when all the moving parts are working well together, that growth happens.
The Challenge
HopgoodGanim Lawyers, a well-established Australian firm with a client list spanning more than four decades, found the inconsistent and unreliable service of their previous document storage provider to be too much of a burden. The service level required by Special Counsel, Consultants, Senior Associates and Partners to successfully control and manage records was not being supported, and as a result, HopgoodGanim could not rely on their supplier to deliver requested files and documents when needed. With a mission to improve client outcomes through innovation and improved process – HopgoodGanim reached out to TIMG.
The Solution
After several meetings with HopgoodGanim, to fully understand their processes, requirements, and expectations, we set about the smooth transition and implementation of their new document management plan. At the top of the agenda was the reworking of their records and document storage workflow. This saw us lock in place agreed SLA’s and offsite management terms, which included the secure destruction of records once retention obligations had been met by HopgoodGanim.
As an extension of the document management service, we took on the provision of physical file production services (both Lever arch and cardboard folders). With the rapid evolution of the digital workplace, TIMG has gone on to provide HopgoodGanim with an expanded suite of data management services.
As an industry accredited provider of secure offsite data storage solutions, we now provide HopgoodGanim with secure vault storage of their data backup tapes. While our print bureaus look after their overflow legal print requirements with our 24-hour capability, ensuring deadlines are met.