VOI Report Vault
Easy, secure storage 24/7
At TIMG, we help you manage and protect your VOIs
Law firms, conveyancers, financiers and other agents are required to view and store Verification of Identity documents for any property transaction. Changes to the Federal Privacy Act 2015 have meant a roll out of new VOI requirements to meet the change in responsibility firms now face.
TIMG’s VOI App now makes it even easier to collect and archive private information, identity documents or contracts collected on behalf of clients.

The VOI Report Vault App
Our VOI app makes it easy to collect and archive your clients’ private information, such as identity documents and contracts. And in one simple step, you can transfer data direct to TIMG Vault Report, so you won’t need to keep it on your mobile device.
You can retrieve any VOI information whenever you need it. Search and retrieve information online via name, subject matter, file number, or date. And you can authorise staff to create or search for VOI episodes, track related files, and manage VOI currency.
Eliminate your risk with TIMG’s VOI App and Report Vault
The VOI App step-by-step
Create VOI episode in the Vault
We ensure easy creation of a VOI episode in the Vault using your own archiving system. You will also easily be able to create profiles
Upload images or information
Images securely transferred into our secure vault servers within Australia without it being stored on your phone, preventing risks of breach
Wanting to know more about our VOI solutions?
Click here to make contact with a TIMG expert.
Frequently asked Questions and Answers about Verification of Identity
VOI Solutions
The onus is you and your business to stay on top of your user details and changes to these. Online verification is critical to ensuring that your business is able to engage legitimate customers in your own secure sales environment.
You will be notified of the the issue at hand and we will suspend activity associated with that account until provision of further information qualifying proof of identity.
If you can provide a valid Australian or State issued Driver’s Licence + Passport and or, a Birth Certificate you should be able to cover the 100 point ID requirement. Probably safe to also include your Medicare Card or Australian Citizenship Certificate or a valid Australian Visa.