Why You Should Use the TIMG Mobile App for Your Business
Today we live and work in a world full of smartphones and mobile apps. There certainly seems to be an app for everything. Maps show you which street you are standing on and where to…

Then we get to work and wonder why certain processes are fussier than they should be.
TIMG created an app specifically to make the work life of a conveyancer easier. Over many conversations, our clients have shared their concerns with privacy regarding their Verification of Identity (VOI) process and frustration with securely archiving these documents. They must comply with the Privacy Act, consider legal ramifications, VOI requirements, and so on. The time spent can feel tedious, not to mention the uncertainty around whether or not these hard-copy documents remain secure.
Paper copies aren’t a workable solution and scanned images on your server pose too great a risk. The consequences of a data breach can cost. Fines can total up to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Storing VOI reports in multiple locations and formats, lack of backup, theft of server and unauthorised access are risks that have resulted in breaches for one too many organisations. Sometimes, a follow-up verification of the client’s identity is required, due to VOI record expiry after two years. Added to these pressures is responsibility for legal entities to secure all data collected. It’s little wonder that conveyancers and legal professionals are looking for a smarter way to manage VOIs.
Fortunately, every issue and concern mentioned has been addressed through the VOI Report Vault App, with the utmost security and protection in mind.
Streamline & Simplify
With today’s society being constantly on the move, the one thing that can keep pace is the phone in our pocket. It’s only logical to incorporate this handy tool into our business when and where we can, as long as it is done in a secure fashion. This VOI app revolutionises your ability to securely save VOI information with the speed, efficiency and ease of your favourite mobile apps. Documents required to be saved, such as passports, visa grant notices, contracts, driver licences, marriage certificates, etc., can be easily photographed and uploaded with a name and reference number. This app will automate and digitise the content you need saved.
The introduction of the VOI Report Vault has already made a significant impact on conveyancers, legal firms, and mortgage financiers. Not only has this impacted on workloads, but the time spent on managing paperwork associated with legislative changes has meant less contact time with clients.
The TIMG VOI solution guarantees to deliver a high ROI with the cost easily recoverable through savings in time, resources and improved customer service.
Ultimate Security & Protection
TIMG launched this VOI app to fill a market niche and help the legal industry easily and securely collect and store VOI records. Conveyancers and legal professionals can create a VOI episode in the TIMG VOI Report Vault; upload images or information directly to our secure website and retrieve when needed 24/7. Previously legal professionals needed to scan or photocopy documents, then store paper records in filing cabinets or off-site facilities. Now, it all goes in one password-protected place, with extra layers of security. It automatically asks for your private security details each time you click on the app. For example, if you accept a call, then accidentally set your phone down without locking it, you won’t have to worry about the highly confidential info in the VOI app. We have the security taken care of!
This app will essentially take the risk away, eliminating any chance of a privacy breach. VOIs are centrally stored from all sources, giving you controlled access to all images and data with easy tracking and management. Consider this process your golden opportunity to save precious time and reduce the headache that archiving can be.
VOIs are securely stored offsite on servers in Australia. TIMG’s operations are certified to and/or compliant with the highest Australian and international records management standards.
While most of our clients enjoy the VOI app in conjunction with our archiving solution, this app can be used independently.
Everything you know about Verification of Identity should be simplified, streamlined and secure.
Your VOI process can be as easy as 1,2,3, with a simple app download – a move that we have all grown accustomed to in this wonderful tech-filled, digital age.